Advertise ON clubchick

Current bid: US $382.77 (Reserve met)

I think Mr. Spoofee should take out some ad space :hmm:

You go Clubchick! :claps:
how cool, that is our one and only Clubchick. I think Dehawk is her #1 fan, he talks about her all the time. Where's your bid Dehawk? ;)

BTW, nice bod Clubchick!!!
Drewski said:
Where's your bid Dehawk? ;)

Ebay auction info said:
I will NOT wear anything I find offensive. This is strictly a business proposition, and all marriage proposals, lewd comments, or inappropriate propositions will be IGNORED.

Hence why all 342,634 attempts from Dehawk to bid were all ignored. :eek: :tongue: ;)
Congrats Clubchick! :claps: :claps:

I don't dare imagine what an advertisement from DHawk would look like!
I'll see you at the Rock 'n' Roll Marathon, Clubchick!
thank you spoofee fam for the compliments and well wishes- eabu sent me a nice note on ebay so i responded and mentioned you all here at spoofee (was a perfect opportunity to plug my favorite website within ebay guidelines ;))

and hey rockstar- are you running or spectating?!

Look who's bid so far..........
awww, you know dehawk's my buddy- and i wouldn't be afraid to advertise for him...
tanukis with big testicles are actually very trustworthy ;)
precocious said:

Look who's bid so far..........

haha, dehawk did actually bid $198. As trustworthy as large testicled raccoons are, wouldnt you count that in the " lewd comments, or inappropriate propositions" category?
i'm used to his lewd comments and inappropriate propositions now :p
man i wish i had more money o spend it all on U clubchick. :tongue:
precocious said:
I think Mr. Spoofee should take out some ad space :hmm:

i offered it to him for free at my last race, but didn't hear back- i suspect mr. spoofee isn't looking for advertising like this -- that's ok cuz every business benefits from different methods of promotion... keeps ad agencies in business!!!
clubchick said:
i offered it to him for free at my last race, but didn't hear back- i suspect mr. spoofee isn't looking for advertising like this -- that's ok cuz every business benefits from different methods of promotion... keeps ad agencies in business!!!

BTW, now you'll get some ca-ching for some bling! :)
Time left: 3 hours 50 mins
7-day listing, Ends Feb-03-06 09:44:08 PST
Start time: Jan-27-06 09:44:08 PST
History: 9 bids (US $9.99 starting bid)
High bidder: ironhorsedesign ( 7 )

It's coming down to the wire. I bet someone will do a SNIPE! :claps:

RUN Clubchick RUN !!!!!!
well i was gonna add something about esnipe, but todd said it might make me sound greedy. i thought it would've been informative. he also said it might tick people off if i suggest it, when they're bidding the old fashioned way.
anyway, whether someone snipes it or not, this has been fun and i've gotten so many funny emails from people, it's kept me quite entertained! someone asked me "what's a girl like you eating at crackdonald's for?" LOL
thanks again everybody for the nice words!