precocious said:Big Daddy, thank you for such a wonderful compliment tho it's not deserved. I think you are a much kinder, gentler person than I.
precocious said:Big Daddy, why does this bother you so? Shouldn't we all try to get along? You can always find something good to say about a person, and if you can't, well....then don't say it!
BD, give your children an extra hug for me today! :angel:
precocious said:No I don't work for the post office but we should try to be a bit kinder to them. They have a very stressful job you know. :angel: Perhaps I should hug my mailcarrier today ('mailman' is so sexist and I wouldn't want to offend you know ) :angel:
dehawk said:Ohhhh hot mailcarrier on girl action. May i come over to observe the process :camera:
Scoopons said:I would reccomend electrolosys...
Scoopons said:and no, I meant for the girl with the hairy behind.
babuska73 said:Preco needs an exorcism, apparently Dehawk has possessed her.