Forget her age, how long do you think Preco will continue being a nice, sweet angel?

Big Daddy

Moderately Moderating
Nov 4, 2004
Reaction score
Forget her age, how long do you think Preco will continue being a nice, sweet angel?

I give it maybe 36 hours.

She can't be angelic for too much longer.

Plus maybe its that Alzheimer's kicking in. ;)
Big Daddy, thank you for such a wonderful compliment tho it's not deserved. I think you are a much kinder, gentler person than I. :o
precocious said:
Big Daddy, thank you for such a wonderful compliment tho it's not deserved. I think you are a much kinder, gentler person than I. :o

I am, but that's besides the point. :34:
Big Daddy, why does this bother you so? Shouldn't we all try to get along? You can always find something good to say about a person, and if you can't, well....then don't say it!;)
BD, give your children an extra hug for me today! :angel:
precocious said:
Big Daddy, why does this bother you so? Shouldn't we all try to get along? You can always find something good to say about a person, and if you can't, well....then don't say it!;)
BD, give your children an extra hug for me today! :angel:

I don't like the competition. Plus its so unlike the rabid raccoon hunter we all know and love.

BTW is the extra hug supposed to be in addition to the usual one hug I give them for you every day? :confused:

FYI I am honestly a little frightened for when you do come back with both barrells a blazin'. You don't work for the post office, do you? ;)
No I don't work for the post office but we should try to be a bit kinder to them. They have a very stressful job you know. :angel: Perhaps I should hug my mailcarrier today ('mailman' is so sexist and I wouldn't want to offend you know :o) :angel:
precocious said:
No I don't work for the post office but we should try to be a bit kinder to them. They have a very stressful job you know. :angel: Perhaps I should hug my mailcarrier today ('mailman' is so sexist and I wouldn't want to offend you know :o) :angel:

Ohhhh hot mailcarrier on girl action. May i come over to observe the process :camera:
dehawk said:
Ohhhh hot mailcarrier on girl action. May i come over to observe the process :camera:

Here's preco's mailperson:

Still interested, hawky?
Dehawk, you're always welcomed.:angel:

Matter of fact, I think you should meet one of my neighbors. She's unattatched right now and I think you'd get along splendidly.......

I would reccomend electrolosys...
I just noticed I spelled recommend wrong.... I hope i'm not falling into any coon traps.. I'll go get flea shots..

and no, I meant for the girl with the hairy behind.
Scoopons said:
and no, I meant for the girl with the hairy behind.

As I said preco. ;)

{come out, come out wherever you are "real" preco}
Easter must have "tweaked" her ;) She's like a born-again Christian :angel:

......but not for long. Deep inside she'll soon realize who she really is :evil:

Preco needs an exorcism, apparently Dehawk has possessed her.
Do you think youre getting into heaven by suddenly changing your attitude so late in life?

Are you bipolar?
Now, now like that certainly won't get you there. Not to worry, I'll say a few 'extras' for you. :angel:
Why did God have planes fly into the world trade center?
Apparently it wasn't God, it was Allah....:( There are many evils in this world.....I'm sure if we just start being nicer to each other...we can change the world. :angel: