
eating breakfast

ro hyte rea ta ocohsl ro ta krow :questionmark:
or they are at school or at work

stih si a learly fntyi deai ofr a meag
(you should have seen that first word the way I had typed it in initially!)
this is a really nifty idea for a game---That 1st word coulda gone either way!!!

tub deciwk nuf
but wicked fun

steew mearsd:questionmark:
:) you to my friend :hug:

gbu rapsy:questionmark:
bug spray what, this went a whole 24 hrs.??????? plus??

rednuth mrsot what I am living RIGHT now
thunder storm

ckuy. ev'ew eneb tinget htseo vervy yad ro os sola. eb reflcau!
yuck. we've been getting those every day or so also. be careful! :umbrella:

sporrnaid ekep gnillaf no ym deah! :umbrella:
riandrops keep falling on my head

:) have a great day

ym teef urht:questionmark:

nem rea a pnai:questionmark:
MEN ARE A PAIN -that shoulda been capitalized, dbee!!!

on dinkdig! Hey, that was a fun word!
:rofl: No kidding

sit a ludefrowd file:questionmark: