
I am a thirsty animal

ouy era a wldi cilhd:questionmark:
and you are too

hatws boolingm:questionmark:
:) Happy Sunday everyobody

I eend orme coeeff:questionmark:
:oWell come on over

mI cvaring eiccrema:questionmark:
I don't have any, sorry!

rea uoy vinahg a icen yad:questionmark:
Are you having a nice day?

I dah a TEGAR yad, utb won I ened a tokcacli :cocktail:
I had a great day, but now I need a cocktail :cocktail:

m'I ttginea ertawmonle:questionmark:
I'm eating watermelon.

ohw idi het rbebaruec orgnuohg atste :questionmark: LOL
I like mine rare, please

:marshmallow: ti saw rryuf:questionmark:
it was furry! LOL

svae msoe rof em extn meit :questionmark: :rofl:
:rofl: save some for me next time

I eedn a lio hngcae:questionmark:
I need an oil change. :car:

teg het ldo :bat: ot od ti :questionmark: :rofl:
:rofl: Get the old :bat: to do it!

I eend fsehr lio, ont diytr dol iol:questionmark::bat: