
can we have nachos with that

:hungry: utb fo ousrce:questionmark:
were you talking to me :)

I swa kigntla ot ouy lla :questionmark: **You are all my buddies. :kiss:
you so sweet! have a great day! :)

egt htat ebe fof oury :flowers: :trytofly: LOL
get that bee off your flowers

v'Ie ssmeid uoy lal:questionmark:
I missed you 2

ohw aer uoy felieng:questionmark:
my husband (should we let you go then?) LOL

I shiw i saw elignef ym snhduab oto. :verysad:

I wish I was feeling my husband too :verysad:

ujst og hweer eh si nda srurpise mhi :questionmark: :rofl:
just go where he is and surprise him!!! LOL

I shiw, eh si tuo fo wont lilt fidray!!! :(
I wish, he is out of town until Friday. :(

jtsu kame pu orf ostl meit hwne eh tegs kacb :questionmark: LOL
just make up for lost time when he gets back LOL

oll fo rousce!!!!! LOL LOL
i want ice cream!!!

rgeta onw I twan omse oto!!!!!!
I have a ice cream addiction. LOL

hatw rae oyu indog ot yrt nad urce ti :questionmark: LOL