So What's The Deal????? **another game**

Yes, I would have to say yes and beyond. :)

What is 'missing' in your life?
I'd have to say computer, though it'd be a tough decision.
What is your "Dream Job?"
I love animals, so I would love to work with them, like on Animal Precinct catching the bad guys.

You won an all expense paid trip to anywhere in the world, where would you go?
well, the obvious answer is to boston so i could run in the prestigious marathon... but, i want to see hawaii- go surfing, hang out on the beach, and do a whole lot of nothing for a year or two (you never said it was a quick vacation ;))

if you could rule a country, which one would it be, and what would you change?
I'd have to say Monaco, and I'd change the national language to English because I'm too lazy to learn French.

What one thing would you change about your spouse/significant other if you could change anything?
That he didn't have to work so hard......he's so sweet :)

ballet or tap?
wrong game!


what would you change about yourself?
ok that would be everything

what ONE thing do you like about yourself?
Wisconsin - at least until we get transferred

What is your favorite season?
Christmas or any of my kid's birthdays - I love to throw a party!

Do you still celebrate your birthday with a party each year?
yes, just little get togethers for me and hubby. kids get huge birthday parties every year.... :money:
oops, forgot my ?...
what is the most expensive gift you ever bought?
I bought my husband a big screen TV last year for Valentine's Day.

What's the most expensive gift you've ever gotten?
i was going to say my wedding ring, but my husband actually surprised me with our home, before we were married! nothing to really go home and tell mom about or anything, but as long as we were together, thats all that mattered to me...

what was the weirdest gift you have ever received? .... (i have a crazy aunt who got me those yard flamingos for my 10th birthday... i'll say no more!)