
Ho Hum

htswa pu:questionmark:
didn't get a chance to go out today

I ophe yuo aer ingflee ritalgh:questionmark:
Thanks for caring

mI hpiong oyu rea wlel:questionmark:
me too. What's up with you?

I celadne toyad:questionmark:
Did you do a good job?

I ophe os:questionmark:
I think you did :thumbup:

mI ggoin ot hvea a getra rhbithdya motrroow:questionmark:
Im going to have a great birthday tomorrow.

mowrroot si nto ym thribady :questionmark:
tomorrow is not my Birthday

I nkow, oyu bate Jceoy ot eht gmea, ahahah:questionmark:
I know, you beat Joyce to the game. :hahaha:


lliw ouy otw opst ghingft oevr em :questionmark:
will you two stop fighting over me

LP dna I weer ont ghingft, I usjt cughat hre fof gurad hitw ym notequis:questionmark:
PL and I were not fighting, I just caught her off guard with my question.

htsta girht LOL :questionmark:
That's right! LOL

era llay gnagnig pu no em :questionmark: :help: Apple! :rofl:
Are y'all ganging up on me?

ew lal vole oyu! :questionmark::)
Happy Birthday Freebie Queen :)

nhtaks uysg! :questionmark: :kiss: