
:marshmallow::lock: I will

On oyjce ghirt won, I opeh ttah ehs si gnivha nfu:questionmark:
no joyce right now, i hope that she is having fun? .........Huh???

htaw vesgi?
what gives?

terdsayey swa hre thadriby:questionmark:
and January is when dbees is :)

ppelas si ni lujy:questionmark:
you so smart garden buddy:)

zeeg, nskhta:questionmark:
no problem

ew llits ened ainr:questionmark:
we still need rain

ryros, bede. ew on'td. ubt opeh oyu tge omes. iarn, htta si!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
Sorry, dbee. We don't but hope you get some rain that is !!!!!!!!!!!:)

idd uoy otince hatt on oen pyals isht utb su:questionmark:
:rofl: That's their loss

I dddeeci ot ton ylap yna htoer amge ltil ohtres lapy hist neo:questionmark:
I decided not to play any other games till others play this one

ho, os, oyu rae coybotgint?????
Oh, so you are boycotting

yuo otg ti:questionmark:
:rofl: OK, then me too!

Ppale dmupling yuo tnod eden ot od ttah:questionmark:
can't even type the answer in I am laughing so hard. Oh, got me!!!